
Some of you knew, some of you didn't, and yet the return of the cars to Chimay was real. For months now, our team has been working tirelessly to offer you an event worthy of your expectations and our reputation! A long-term work carried out in collaboration with the "Hainaut Motor Club", "the Motor Club Eau Blanche Eau Noire" and "Les Amis du circuit de Nivelles". And while we were finally going to present our new project, it's quite different today. It is with a heavy heart that we made the decision to cancel the first edition of the regularity race "Revival Grand Prix des Frontières" which was originally to be held on 27 and 28 June.
Indeed, after careful consideration and facing the uncertainty related to the COVID-19 situation, we are convinced that it is wiser to postpone the event (no date is yet scheduled). Believe us, this decision was not easy to make but it is probably the best. We all want this first edition to reach our expectation and right now we cannot take the risk to ruin all the efforts and the months of hard work. It is only a postponement!
We inform you that the other events (Classic Bikes, Open Trophy, Supermoto and Ford Escort Rally Special) are so far maintained.
We thank your for your understanding and by then, stay safe !
Chimay Road Racing Team.
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