2021 SEASON Following your many questions and some rumors, we would like to clarify with you the situation for the 2021 season. Despite the uncertainty caused by the health crisis, you have to know that only the European Bug-in is currently cancelled and postponed to 2022. Our 3 bikes events are registered in the FMB calendar as follow :
- Classic Bikes : 16-18 July 2021
- Open Trophy : 23-25 July 2021
- Supermoto : 28-29 August 2021
For our part, we are ready and waiting only the green light from the authorities.🤞 For our pilot friends, a new system for the registration is waiting for you! 😁 Let’s stay optimistic!
We will of course keep you informed as soon as we have more news to share with you.
Until then, be safe !
    02-04-2021 12:19     Comments ( 2 )
Comments (2)
 Luc Demuytere -  18-06-2021

1/06/2021... One month before the Classic Bikes and I do'nt find any information about the event on your website. Would be nice to know if the event will take place, if spectators will be allowed and would be great to know the timing of the races/trainings... Is that possible? Looking out to erad your answers!

 NAVARRO Pascal -  10-06-2021

Bonjour, si les courses ont lieu il y aura t'il des spectateurs. Merci de votre réponse